Sunday 12 June 2016

What is Mission Impact ?

Mission Impact is a journey....  The journey of being a stand for things that are important to me, making a difference and having an impact on the lives around me. 

Here I plan to blog about my 'Mini' and 'Major' missions.

I also plan to get YOU present to the fact that YOU matter.. Yes YOU! 
You are a contribution just by simply being. You contribute to others without even realising. 

Sometimes we are totally unaware of how BIG we are! 
Sometimes we are totally unaware of how IMPORTANT we are. 
Just know that YOU matter. 

Over the years I found myself wanting to do many things, succeed more in my career, travel and see the world, help others through volunteering. You name it I wanted to do it, but mostly I wanted to contribute to something and through my actions, make a difference. I never lived in the present and always held on to that 'One Day'. The truth is...all we have is NOW, this very moment. Yesterday has been and gone and tomorrow, well that's not here yet, nor is it guaranteed! We get carried away surviving this life or mearly existing that we forget to live it! 

So often I would hear about things that were going on in the world and found myself frustrated. I would feel saddened and disempowered and would often wonder what could I do?  An then the fear of not succeeding would have me stopped immediately, I would be filled with that little voice in my head (You know the one), telling me "I'm not good enough" and "Who are you to think you can make a difference ?"
I was imprisoned by fear and self doubt, I hid so I could not been seen or heard, in fact I had no voice.  

What changed for me was how I viewed myself and how I viewed others. I got present to the importance of knowing your worth and being responsible for the life you live. We really can be who ever we CHOOSE to be. I committed to being someone who inspires and contributes to others. I told myself that I MAKE A DIFFERENCE and that when ever I share I want people to get something from it. 

Tupac shakur said "I'm not saying I'm gonna change the world, but I guarantee that I will spark the brain that will change the world".

 You see we are all a contribution to one another without even realising. That stranger that smiled at you on your way to work... That impacted you and contributed to your day and your mood. So often we forget to connect with each other, so consumed in our busy lives. Get present to right now! 

I am present to the fact that if I want something, truly want something and I'm in action with it. I WILL achieve it. When you begin to live without fear, life has no limits. I am present to MY GREATNESS and how I can choose to live life POWERFULLY. 

So join me on this journey.. What will you create for your life ? 

With a warm heart, 

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